Jumat, 28 November 2014


Diposting oleh Unknown di 21.41
Dear, Mr. English  teacher
As well as friends who I love and I'm proud 

First of all, let us pray together worship and praise Allah SWT. Because over abundance of grace and the gift, we can all come together in this event. 

Education is an important element in life . Education has taught us many things , Education be authorized person to be successful in reaching their dreams .

Education has been shown to alter the poor become rich , the stupid become intelligent . Education has changed a small nation a great nation . As has been noted by the Japanese .

After the defeat of the Japanese state was marked by the fall of the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima city . Thus , Japan was destroyed . What will be undertaken by the Japanese government ?

Japanese government took the initiative to gather young people who are still alive to send it abroad to study education . The young people prepared to explore the science and then return to their homeland to build a nation ,

a few years later , Japan became a great country that controls the technology world . Economic levels of society are also among the highest in the world . In fact , the population of Japan is very little compared to the Indonesian state .

From the description above , seharsunya we realize that education is very important . To change the standard of living of ours.

Education is not only intended for the rich . Education rights of every person who wants to gain knowledge and want to change lives for the better . Let's continue to improve our education so that we become people who can have the knowledge and success in living this life .

I think enough about my english speech on education . Hopefully we was raised with values ​​- the value of moral education , education that cultivate our minds and lead us into a people who believe in order to be successful in the world and success in the Hereafter .

Thank you for your attention . Speech errors I apologize most sincerely .

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