Jumat, 14 November 2014


Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.55


If-clauses can be clause-initial (1), clause-medial (2) as well as clause-final (3).
(1) If you like, we can catch a movie.
(2) We, if you like, can catch a movie.
(3) We can catch a movie if you like.


Aside from the typical type I, II, III strucure, conditionals can be divided into two categories:
real and unreal conditionals.

Real Condition

If I have money, I spend it. Present Real Conditional - type I
If I had money, I spent it. Past Real Conditional - type I
If I have money, I will/am going to spend it. Future Real Conditional - type I

Unreal Condition

If I had had money, I would have spent it.   Past unreal Conditional - type III
If I had money, I would spend it. I think about spending the money TODAY. Present unreal Conditional - type II
If I had money, I would spend it. I think about spending the money NEXT WEEK. Future unreal Conditional - type II

Special Features

Modal verbs
Main clauses with real conditional tenses can have modal verbs.
If I have money, I can spend it.
You can use could and might instead of would in unreal conditional clauses.
If I had money, I could spend it.
(I would be able to spend it.)
If I had money, I might spend it.
(I would possibly spend it.)

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