Sabtu, 29 November 2014


Diposting oleh Unknown di 00.40
Nonverbal communication is the process of communication in which the message is delivered
do not use words. Verbal communication includes tone of voice, gesture,sighs, movement,screams,appearance,vocal qualities and facial expression
Examples of nonverbal communication is
using gestures,
body language,
facial expressions
eye contact,
use of objects such as clothing,
hair pieces and etc.

Nonverbal behavior can be repeated verbal behavior. For example, you are nodding your head when saying "Yes" or shaking his head while saying "No,"
a musician come to you without saying a word and then you wiggle your hands with your palms facing forward (as a substitute for the word "No").
Nonverbal behavior can refute or contradict the verbal behavior and can give another meaning to the verbal message. For example, you praised the achievements of friends while shoot out the lip.
when a friend asked if he sounds good. I would answer yes, but not in my heart
While watching the game and only hand signals addressed. Your friends can know how scor foot ball game yesterday
college will end, you look at the clock hand two or three times so that the lecturer immediately close the college.

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